How to Decorate Panda Cupcakes
Have you ever wanted to learn how to make and decorate Panda Cupcakes? Decorating these Panda Cupcakes is certainly easy and they are really adorably cute.
Making, decorating and and serving these Panda Cupcakes, which would be perfect for any occasion!
During the years that my children were in elementary school, I became quite a pro cupcake baker. I was one of the few mothers willing to take on the task of baking cupcakes for their class parties. I always enjoyed the gratitude of my children. It was really nice to hear my daughter or son say “my mom made those.” Statements like that alone, were enough of an enticement to spend a few hours in the kitchen. It was even more fun when my children joined me in decorating. No greater artists ever lived.
Let me warn you at the beginning, I never do anything strictly by the instructions. I have made a few changes to the original decorating directions in the book. For instance, the book said to use white cupcakes for the body, I used chocolate.
Feel free to use this as a guide and make the changes that appeal to you and your family.
These Panda Cupcakes Are Truly Fun to Make!
You will want to include your children when creating these cupcakes
My Own Surprise
My daughter called me while I was baking the cupcakes and ask me what I was doing. When I told her I was making panda cupcakes, she decided to join me.
We laughed until we cried several times while making these cupcakes for this article.
Some of the photos are of the cupcakes I decorated and some of the cupcakes in the pictures were the panda cupcakes my daughter decorated.
Decorated Panda Cupcakes

Where to Begin
Since this article is about decorating the cupcakes, we are going to start with the cupcakes already baked, cooled and ready for decorating.
One note about cooking your cupcakes, remember the miniature cupcakes for the face only require about 8 min. to bake. Use a toothpick to determine exact length of baking time. When a toothpick poked in the center of the cupcake comes out clean, the cupcake is ready.
This Is An Animal a Vegetarian Can Eat!
Ingredients Needed to Decorate Panda Cupcakes
- Large Cupcakes (White or Chocolate ~ We used chocolate)
- White Miniature Cupcakes
- Chocolate Frosting
- White Frosting
- Black Frosting (We used a small tube of Black Gel)
- Oreo Cookies
- Oreo Cereal or Chocolate Cheerios Cereal
- Miniature Chocolate Chips
- Miniature Marshmallows
- We used regular chocolate chips for some of the noses
- Green Foliage optional
Step by Step Instructions ~ Decorating the Panda Cupcakes Head and Face
Step 1: For each panda, cut 2 Oreo cookies in half. These will be used for the arms and legs.
Step 2: Attach the flat side of one marshmallow to each miniature cupcake with a dollop of white frosting approximately 2/3 of the way down from the top of the “face”.
Step 3: Ice the entire miniature cupcake with white frosting. This will be the head of the panda.
Step 4: Paint on eyes and mouth with black frosting. Place an inverted miniature chocolate chip at the top of each eye patch.
Step 5: Finish the nose with either black frosting or inverted chocolate chips.
Step 6: Apply the ears using 2 chocolate cheerios per panda.
Step by Step Photos for Decorating Panda Cupcakes Face
Decorating the Body of the Panda Cupcakes
Step 7: Scrape the white filling out of one Oreo cookie for each bear.
Step 8: Place the black cookies in a zip-lock bag and finely crush them. (We used a rolling pin)
Step 9: Ice the large cupcakes with chocolate frosting.
Step 10: Dip each large chocolate cupcake in the crushed cookie crumbs.
Step by Step Photos of Decorating the Body of the Panda Cupcakes
Assemble the Panda Cupcakes
Step 11: Attach the head to the body. We used a toothpick in each one.
Step 12: Attach the arms with a dollop of chocolate frosting.
Step 13: Paint on claws with white frosting. (We used a toothpick to apply frosting)
Step 14: Set the feet at the base of the cupcake. (Feet are not attached)
Step by Step Photos ~ Finishing the Panda Cupcakes
My Original Inspiration for these Panda Cupcakes
This is one of my all time favorite cookbooks in my library. It is packed with adorable cupcakes and how to decorate them!
Hello, Cupcake!: Irresistibly Playful Creations Anyone Can MakeCheck Price
Here are some of the ingredients for the Panda Cupcakes that might not be so easy to find in your local grocery store
Nestle Toll House Real Semi-Sweet Chocolate MorselsCheck PriceWilton Black Gel Tube, 0.75 Oz.Check PriceOreo Chocolate Sandwich Cookies (14.3-Ounce Package)Check PriceJet-Puffed Mini Marshmallows (10 oz Marshmallow Bag) (Pack of 3)Check Price
Why Not Incite Panda-monium at Your Next Party!!!
©2010 Cynthia Sylvestermouse – This article was originally posted on a different site. Moved due to original site closure.