Easy Bat Cake for Halloween | How to Stencil a Cake

Halloween Bat CakeDecorating a Cake with Bats is Very Easy

Bats are my favorite Halloween decoration so, of course, I have to decorate a cake with bats for Halloween.  Decorating a Bat Cake for Halloween is really very easy!

By simply using a cake stencil and sanding sugar, you too will be able to create delicious cakes that double as great Halloween decorations.

There are many Halloween cake stencils available for purchase.  We just happen to love bats!


My Halloween Bat Cake!

Bat Cake

Supply List for My Halloween Bat Cake

  • Baked and Frosted Cake ~ I baked a Devils Food Cake with German Chocolate Icing
  • Stencil
  • Sanding Sugar ~ Black


 Celebakes By CK Products Booming Black Sanding Sugar, 4 oz.Check Price

Suggested Cake Recipes

Homemade instead of boxed!

Recipes for Devils Food Cake

Recipes for German Chocolate Frosting – Coconut Pecan Frosting Recipe


Using the Cake Stencil – Place the Stencil on the Frosted Cake

Halloween Bat Cake

Sprinkle Cake with Sanding Sugar then Slowly and Gently Lift Stencil Off of Cake

Halloween Bat Cake

Halloween Bat Cake Decorated and Ready to Eat!

Stenciled Halloween Bat Cake


The Bat Stencil

Bat Stencil for CakeThis is a photo of my cake stencils.

My cake stencil is an older stencil with the bats centrally located on the cake.  Occasionally, you can find a stencil like mine available on Ebay.

My set, by Martha Stewart (44-01008 or #5415), includes 4 cake stencils:  Bat, Vampire, “Eat if you Dare” and Blood Splattered.

If your can’t find a bat stencil you like, you can use cookie cutters instead!